Thoughts and Prayers


Currently reading:

Most recent thoughts:

July 22, 2022. John chapter 20.

I much prefer trust to faith. The faith that John teaches is entirely baseless; waiting for evidence before believing a preacher is actively wrong. Trust, on the other hand, is solid, built on a foundation of previous experience, and revocable in the face of new evidence. A few chapters ago I was so angry about "do as I command you and you will be my friends," because apparently Jesus' friendship is heirarchical, and this is the same thing. When Mary Magdalene tells you that Jesus is risen, you have to believe her without waiting to see the man Himself and touch his wounds. Which is so silly! Why does He do these miracles, which He says is so people will believe in Him, if you're supposed to believe without them? Is it so wrong to desire evidence of the senses? Does the Lord of all the universe want an uncurious and easily led people? Someone who takes these lessons to heart would be so easy to lie to! And so many horrible people throughout history have taken advantage of this idea to lie and cheat and hurt countless people. I hate it here.